Cabela’s Big Game Hunter App Reviews

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Crashes and they just want money

App crashes too much and it takes forever to move up. You have to wait for "energy". Basically, there are far better hunting games on the app store and I wouldnt recommend this one

Good and terrible

Ok its pretty fun but then you end up getting hooked on it. Then not to mention I cant get internet connection on this POS game and I tried to use 50 gold to get my prize on the shooting range then the game froze and I didnt get any prize so all my progress wasted and Im probably never going to get enough gold to buy all the guns that requires gold to buy them and it will take me probably a year to get the old timer gun I mean it took me three just to get a class two weapon and all the NW clothes so now I cant go through Africa because I need a level three weapon and the cheapest one cost 35 thousand bucks so I think it would be easier to fix the Internet connection problem so I can buy some currency in the game. But its still a fun game to play every ounce and a while


This is the best offline deer hunting game ever

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