Cabela’s Big Game Hunter App Reviews

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Terrible Gameplay

Great Graphics but terrible Gameplay if you dont want to spend your own money. You can only advance so far with the regular weapons then you must upgrade either with gold or game money. A level 2 rifle is 12000.00. Im playing the same round over and over getting 75.00 a round trying to get there. Really makes the good graphics, different animals etc really not matter.

Progression is bad, bad

As you progress in the game, the game starts to cheat you. A direct hit does nothing, heart shots dont kill. To bad, it could be a good game if they didnt want your money so bad.


I am so mad at this game, really who moves that much when holding a weapon? I know that breathing is part of hunting but this game takes that way to far, my cross hairs are doing figure 8s over the animals. Then they ask you to shoot an animal in the heart, where are there hearts? Its where it should be for one animal, the next its suddenly a lung or just a hit, I am aiming in the same spot. After fighting through the figure 8 and I pull the trigger, hit the shoulder and get the lung? This game makes me mad.


Does anyone bother to read the description of the app?! Well then read it...

Wont work and crashes

This game is very cool... IF IT DOESNT CRASH!!! This crashes every 5 minutes... And when I try to buy something as an in app purchase it says " no internet connection "

Waste of time

I expected this game to be cool and considered it to be a small extension of the famous Cabelas games on the PC and other consoles. The fact being, I hoped for it to an RPG like game. This app is far from an RPG. All you do it shoot at easy game and each level takes no more than 10 secs to finish. There is no realism in the game what so ever. I expected the app to provide a simulation to actual hunting i.e. camping, trapping, tracking, needing food, needing patience, and skill. This app is a huge disappointment to anyone who has played the PC Cabelas games or any other console version for that matter.


Awsome so I can play this game on this iPod and my brother can play it on our xbox

Worthless game

Only put 1 star because it wont let u put a review in without rating. Game does not work. Take it off App Store. Downloaded several times and will not let u play. When it does work it wont let u go to gear to purchase weapons or gear. Also keeps saying no internet connection.

No internet connection

Ive tried re-downloading 3 times now. Each download I have to start fresh. I cant make weapon purchases, game says no internet connection. Ive tried contacting activision which is impossible to get to a live person. Please fix this bug I want to purchase upgrades.


The game is okay, but having to pay real money just to play it is a major disappointment. It would be one thing for in app purchases to be optional but the structure is set up so that if you dont want to pay extra you would have to wait years in order to earn enough in game gold to purchase some items. I expected more from you Cabelascannot access internet and there is absolutely no response from app support

Alright but could be a lot better...

Well, I dont have to worry about paying for the items because IT WONT LET ME. It says that I have no internet connection, even when connected to wifi. That being said, it makes it difficult to do anything in this game because you have to keep moving up in order to earn more points, but you can only move up by buying particular items that you need the points to buy...

Want to love it

Didnt open the app for 3 days and when I did my energy was empty. You need to fix the issue of energy only regenerating when the app is actively open. Once that is fixed I would enjoy this game. The actual game play is great.

Fix the bugs!

This is actually a really good game. However, an integral part is being able to upgrade weapons to unlock progressively higher levels. To upgrade weapons, you have to make in-app purchases or spend a copious amount of time earning dollars or gold while playing the same level over and over. The in-app purchases do not work on this version. I consistently receive a no internet available error despite having both a cellular and wi-fi connection. I would like to think this would get resolved beings how it is the only way the game can be monetized. There are no ads.

Didnt live up

This app is awesome in actual game play, but is impossible to advance in the levels. You cant earn money or gold in any way fast enough to buy new weapons. Also, there is no way to toggle internet connectivity so you can earn prizes through the range. Game play is great, but the execution of the model is glitchy at best.

Would be 10x better if you could upgrade weapons without spending tons of money

Wants you to spend a ton of money to be able to upgrade weapons, lame

Should be a great game but they are too focused on $

This game could be great but It is a joke. The programming is off on many things, like you have to have energy to hunt and to buy energy costs a lot of money! I mean if everyone is rich and can blow 15-20 dollars every time they want to play then that would be ok! But that will only get you about 20 min playing time! Also, there are many errors like an energy refill asks for dollars to refill (u get money from the successful hunts) but, when u go to buy the energy it takes gold instead, which is something u must pay real money for. to upgrade weapons you have to spend a lot of real money to buy, and at some points in the game you cannot continue without a different weapon which costs an arm and a leg. Who actually spends this kind of money to play this game I wonder? Ridiculous.


Starts out fine but as you progress and try to post your success or make in app purchases you get errors saying you must have an Internet connection to complete this action. My connection is working, the app isnt. Odd that this app prevents a person from making in app purchases. Perhaps that makes it safe for parents with kids that make in app purchases. For me, it is just another disappointing element to deal with from this app. Dont waste your time downloading. Better hunting game apps out there to enjoy.

No internet

Would be fun if you could connect to the Internet!

If WIFI was recognized... Id love it

Everything is working fine on my iPad Pro. Other than the fact that it doesnt recognize that I cant connect to wifi... Which means I cant purchase things.

Great except

Its awesome but it takes SOOOO long to download

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